Short course on ROS programming 2020

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23-Nov-2020, 10h00-18h00


This short course on Robot Operating System (ROS) covers both the basics of ROS and the techniques for programming using this System. It is a one-day course, where in the morning the basics of ROS are covered, while the afternoon is devoted to delving into the hands-on details of practical programming.


November 23rd, 2020

Part 1: 10h00-12h00 (slides) (video)
Introduction to ROS. Concepts of node, topic, and service. Message types. Development tools. Examples of packages.

Part II: 14h00-18h00 (slides) (video)
Shallow introduction to the Linux cli. Understanding the ROS workspace. Creating a package and understanding its structure. Nodes in Python and C++. Launchers, parameters, messages, services, and actions. ROS tools (gazebo, command line tools, rviz, rqt tools). Common issues.


Code developed during the short course:


The sessions will take place remotely on the following Zoom rooms:

Part 1: 10h00-12h00

Meeting ID: 865 5538 4263
Password: 345235

Part II: 14h00-18h00

Meeting ID: 861 0097 1734
Password: 471628

Workshop materials

Please download and setup a VM before the workshop, as shown in the pdf!

Please follow this guide before the workshop to setup your VM:

Please test if your VM has internet access. Open a terminal and ping

Update: VMware Fusion runs on Mac. You can use IST's or your institution's license:,



Rodrigo Ventura
João Avelino

Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisboa)
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)


A IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) - Portugal Chapter event.


And also a euRobotics European Robotics Week event.