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Calibration for the 1280x720 resolution (video) at the base zoom level. Performed on 2013/03/13 by Matteo.

 w  1280
 h  720
 fx 1705.19
 fy 1698.14
 cx 669.182
 cy 373.654
 k1 -0.0294432
 k2 -0.43224
 p1 -0.00405724
 p2 0.00734838

Calibration for the 4288x2848 resolution (still images) at the base zoom level. Performed on 2013/03/13 by Matteo.

 w  4288
 h  2848
 fx 5440.54
 fy 5443.93
 cx 2154.6
 cy 1349.13
 k1 -0.0733458
 k2 0.0246687
 p1 -0.00642008
 p2 0.00354009